For Presentation At The 35TH SETP Symposium
Los Angeles California
Chuck Berthe (AF), Calspan Corporation and Dick VanGrunsven (M), Vans Aircraft
When one stands at the main entrance of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum there are just
three aircraft hanging in the central hall. They are singularly true to the basic theme of their selection.
As one would expect they represent important steps in aviation development; the Wright Flyer, the
first successful flight of a controllable airplane; the Spirit of St. Louis, the first nonstop flight from the
United States to Europe; and the Voyager; the first nonstop flight around the world. However a
more important theme is that they all represent extraordinary efforts by small groups of people
dedicated to the accomplishment of a seemingly impossible task. In addition all these aircraft were
privately funded. Controlled by the same people who did the work, and unencumbered by
bureaucratic and corporate "help", these programs were efficient and successful (this used to be the
"American way", Voyager proved that it still just might be).
It is also important to note that two of these aircraft were homebuilts and the other was about as
close to a being a homebuilt as a factory built aircraft can be. The Wright Flyer was the ultimate
homebuilt, the Spirit of St. Louis was a labor of love by a very small factory, and over fifty years
later the first aircraft to fly around the earth nonstop, the Voyager, was again a homebuilt.
Consequently it should not be surprising, but probably only fitting, that light aircraft aviation in this
country should be saved by homebuilders. It is, in reality, a continuation of a well established
This home grown movement to preserve light plane aviation in this country could use professional
help. Members of this Society have provided assistance and will probably continue in increasing
numbers to do so. However we should take the time to understand the unique problems associated
with the kind of flight testing required. It isn't as simple as it might appear. Some comments on the
subject from a test pilot that designs homebuilt aircraft, and from another who builds them, might
shed more light on the subject.
The character of General Aviation in the United States has changed drastically during the last fifteen
years. Beginning in the early 1950's the average private aircraft was a product of the vast
production facilities of Beech, Cessna, Piper, etc. Today there are virtually no affordable General
Aviation aircraft available to the private aircraft owner from these or other manufacturers. The
industry has turned instead, for the most part, to the production of a few but very expensive units
per year for use as corporate aircraft. The reasons for this transition are many and include: shame,
blame, lawyers, poor management, economics, lawyers, over conservative engineering and design,
lawyers, and etcetera.
Fortunately, and due to the foresight of people, such as the founders of the Experimental Aircraft
Association in the 1950's, the light aircraft part of General Aviation is again flourishing (and will
continue to flourish if the FAA can continue to be persuaded from "helping" too much). Somehow
these persistent founders convinced the bureaucrats that it was all right for individuals to build and
fly their own airplanes (in other words they made the Wright Brothers legal). As a result the design
of light aircraft has been allowed to leap ahead at a rate not imagined, and considered impossible,
when left at the hands of the major manufacturers (a current, but incomplete, listing shows over two
hundred eighty designs of homebuilt experimental aircraft flying). As a consequence today's
homebuilt experimental aircraft not only provide the Sunday pilot with an affordable 60 mph puddle
jumper, but also for the more experienced, designs are available that include 300 mph, high altitude,
all weather aircraft that incorporate some of the leading technologies. In many cases the designers of
these aircraft are developing the new technologies ahead of the traditional industry.
As a consequence of the magnitude of this "homegrown" airplane movement much of the flight
testing being done today is on homebuilt experimental aircraft. The down side is that much of this
testing is being done by pilots who are not only untrained in flight test procedures and techniques,
but are in many cases not even aware that they are conducting flight tests. The professional test pilot
community can provide a valuable service to this movement by providing some of our expertise to
these homebuilders. Our donations could range from an informal source of information to planning
and flying their test programs. There are ample opportunities for first flights, no money, but much
satisfaction to be gained by helping to save light plane aviation in this country. But before you rush
off in a mad search for a homebuilder who needs a test pilot there are some things you should know
about testing these seemingly simple and straight forward little machines.
Flight testing a homebuilt aircraft requires the same techniques and technical scope that we are used
to in our professional testing. The flight envelop must be demonstrated, performance measured and
documented, and the systems tested. There are some major differences from what we are normally
accustomed to, and they can make it a whole new ball game.
You will not have a flight test team with its backup of specialist in flight controls, flying qualities,
propulsion, avionics, and structures. The test airplane was most likely manufactured by a single
person (it might even have been yourself). He was the taxpayer, the customer, the contractor, the
program manager, the production manager, the production staff, and what ever else it takes to
make an airplane. You will be the flight test commander, flight test director, safety review board,
flight test engineer, range clearance officer, and what ever else it takes to conduct a flight test
Probably for the first time, you will be totally responsible for the entire flight test evolution. Sounds
like the perfect scenario doesn't it? "Me, finally in total command of the operation and I get to do all
the flying!" You also get to do all the work, and in most cases you will be all alone. You will have to
analyze problems, in addition to recognizing them, and come up with a pretty good idea of how to
fix them. Imagine flying a test program where you have to personally fix, and pay for, every problem
you find. If you're also the builder that's the way it is. That makes it a little more difficult to maintain
professional objectivity.
Most of us, no matter how sensitive we think we might be, are not totally aware of how much we
depend on the "support group" available to us as test pilots in our professional flight test activities. In
addition to all the indispensable technical assistance we receive there is also a strong sense of moral
support that we depend on. When we experience a very harrowing situation that could result in loss
of the aircraft (and us), and we save the day solely due to our exceptional skill and technical
knowledge, we know that the event was observed by many members of our "support group". We
expect, at the very least, to have an attentive audience to hear the details at the debriefing. If we are
lucky, and the support group is perceptive, we will receive some degree of praise which we will
handle very professionally by pretending to minimize the importance of our actions. When one
returns from a similar experience in a homebuilt there will normally be only you and the aircraft at
the debriefing, and the airplane isn't very good at listening or heaping praise. If the builder is there he
may not understand the skill it took to save the airplane, but he will understand quite well that their is
something more to fix, and that is liable to limit his praise somewhat. Not only is there no money to
be made in homebuilt testing, there are also fewer ego perks.
The material assets of a homebuilder are generally quite limited when compared to industry norms.
The only real similarity to industry are the tradeoffs that must be made between requirements and
available funds. The similarity ends when one counts the zeros behind the numbers in the available
fund column. Flight test equipment is most often limited to cockpit instruments, timers, knee pads,
and note taking items. The more sophisticated might utilize a voice recorder, and the ultra
sophisticates might obtain, or make, a force gage, but the norm will be cockpit instruments and hand
held data. We all know how to take hand held data, however it does increase the cockpit workload
and requires a more detailed design of the flight cards. Personal experience indicates that
handwriting clarity is directly proportional to the square of cockpit volume. Homebuilts are not
noted for their cockpit volume.
Test facilities for homebuilt aircraft vary from well appointed, heated hangers on large airports to a
lean-to on a grass strip (Dick did the development testing for the RV-3 from a six hundred foot strip
in his back yard). In general it will be from an uncontrolled airfield with between two and three
thousand feet of grass or blacktop, with runway widths varying from twenty five to one hundred
feet. Where it gets a little more interesting is when one considers the approaches to some of these
facilities. A two thousand foot strip can shrink to five hundred feet usable in a hurry when there are
tall trees at either end.
Most of the homebuilts are somewhat portable due to their size, consequently the test pilot should
be able to choose a suitable test facility within driving range of the permanent home of the aircraft.
In fact he should insist on a reasonable facility. One should consider the size of the runway (as well
as the approaches) as it relates to the performance of the aircraft. In addition consideration should
be given to the availability of suitable landing or ditching areas in proximity to the runway (some of
these engines are experimental too, and all of the engine installations are, if not experimental, at least
The flight test area will be specified by the FAA preliminary airworthiness certificate, however they
will generally go along with any reasonably located area of twenty five miles radius requested by the
builder. Consequently the test pilot will have an input as to the location (naturally, selection of the
test area and that of the test facility are related). Ideally, one would prefer an area of low traffic
density that was also unpopulated. These are becoming more and more difficult to find, however, an
area of five miles on a side can generally be located within the overall test area that meets these
criteria and can be used for the more eventful flight test procedures. The common sense rules that
we adhere to in our professional work apply, i.e. don't place innocents at risk.
For some of the test evolutions a chase, or at least someone on the ground with a radio, would be
beneficial. Good experienced chase pilots, while plentiful in the professional arena, are rarely to be
found around your local small uncontrolled airport. They become even more rare when cost of the
chase plane is discussed. An additional factor unique to these operations is the time availability of
those few you have found to have the required capabilities. Homebuilt testing is done during spare
time. When you add the factor of Joe's wife letting him come to the airport on one of his few days
off, to the other test factors of weather, aircraft availability, and your availability, your test team
starts to dwindle. The best bet is to plan the flights as solo efforts and be grateful for help when it is
A basic requirement is that the test pilot be qualified to fly the aircraft in question. In our
professional work this is rarely a problem. In the case of homebuilts it more than likely will be. The
aircraft are much more simple than what we are used to, but that fact does not necessarily relate to
how they are to fly. Most of them will require piloting techniques that are different than those
required in our professional work. Some of the techniques will be easier and some will be more
difficult. The point is that they will be different and we must prepare for that aspect and obtain some
experience in these techniques prior to test flying these machines, or prior to even providing
guidance to someone else that may be flying them for that matter. The word experience was used
instead of training in an effort to soften the blow. If, for example, you expect to flight test a tail wheel
configured aircraft, you should have "tail dragger" experience (these configurations are directionally
unstable on the ground). It's not a good idea to fulfill this requirement, during a solo flight test, in an
airplane that you or someone else has spent five years building.
Test pilots must have detailed knowledge of the aircraft they test and most are justifiably proud of
their ability to seek out and learn these details. This trait is equally appropriate to homebuilts. The
difference is that this learning must be applied to basics of the aircraft that we normally take for
granted. For instance:
Virtually all of homebuilt aircraft are piston powered. Some use certified aircraft engines, some are
modifications of certified aircraft engines, some are special purpose aircraft engines not certified,
some are modified automobile engines, some are modified snowmobile engines, and some are
engines designed for other purposes that were bolted in an airframe in the faint hope that they would
work (they seldom do). The thing to remember is that all but the certified engines (installed in a
certified manner) are experimental in nature. An experimental aircraft with a certified engine can be
an interesting challenge, as can a certified aircraft with an experimental engine. An experimental
aircraft with an experimental engine will definitely have a long and interesting flight test period. The
bottom line is that the test pilot must know the power plant, not only technically, but also
operationally. This is no different than what we are used to. The difference is that in the case of
homebuilts the importance of this knowledge can be masked by the simple appearance of these little
power plants. These little engines have a great bit in common with those F100 series engines that
normally push you around, they both keep you in the air, that makes them equally important.
Most of the engine and propeller installations will be custom, designed by the builder, as will most of
the electrical systems and avionics installations. For instance, how many of us know what to inspect
on an installation of a Lycoming 0360-F1A6 with a modified carburetor, a light weight starter, a
Honda alternator, and an experimental crossover exhaust system all installed on a Glasair? If you
don't you had better find someone who can, if you expect to test the aircraft. This is another
example of our subconscious reliance on our normal support group, this time the highly skilled
people who design and manufacture our airplanes.
Almost all homebuilt aircraft are propeller driven. There are few current generation test pilots who
have significant experience in propeller driven aircraft, and even fewer who are familiar with fixed
pitch propeller performance (most of which are made of wood laminations). A fixed pitch propeller
has no engine overspeed protection and is optimized for a single flight condition. One with too high
a pitch may not get you off the ground in the space allotted. One with too low a pitch will overspeed
at the slightest provocation. Flight through even light rain can ruin a wood propeller worth around
seven hundred dollars or so. If wood propellers are not retorqued on a regular basis they can fail
the attach bolts and come off in pieces of various sizes. This kind of stuff is nice to know if you are
about to test one of these simple little airplanes. An experience of Dick's might help us to learn more
about simple wood fixed pitch propellers:
The purpose of the flight was to conduct flutter testing of the prototype RV-4 to ten percent beyond
Vne. It was necessary to overspeed the fixed pitch wood propeller somewhat to achieve the high
air speed required for the test. This overspeed stressed the propeller to the extent that it
disintegrated (the propeller should have been able to accommodate the overspeed, however it was
found to have substandard glue lines between the laminations). Due to my concentration on the
flutter tests, I assumed the shaking to be due to a failure in one of the control surfaces. Only after
visually checking the control surfaces and control reactions did I notice oil coming from the engine
cowling. An immediate shut down of the engine revealed only short stubs of the propeller blades
remaining on the hub. Since I was conducting flight tests, I had plenty of altitude and was wearing a
parachute. I used the altitude, but didn't have to use the chute. There then incurred an interesting
example of homebuilt flight test psychology. I had two airports available within gliding distance, my
3000 foot grass strip at home, and a 7000 foot tower controlled airport with emergency and
support equipment which included an FAA GATO office. I chose the grass strip, partially because
that was where my tool box was, but primarily due to fear of the bureaucratic help that I felt would
certainly be thrust upon me at the larger, but safer, airport. It may well have been a poor decision
on my part, unnecessary paranoia, but it does underscore the regard many of us have for the help
available from the FAA."
Another area that requires more than normal attention is the basic structure and construction of the
aircraft. When an aircraft is tested in our professional environment the test pilot can accept as a
given that the wing spar was designed and manufactured properly. In the case of homebuilts it was
probably designed properly however the quality of manufacture varies. There is no such thing as
"production flight test" in the case of homebuilts. Each one is different, even when two aircraft of the
same design are constructed by the same person the two will be different. The test pilot must be
able to inspect the structure to assure that the manufacture was according to the plans. This of
course requires the test pilot to study the drawings.
The unique technical requirements for flight testing homebuilt aircraft are well within the capability of
the professional test pilot, however they can be in areas that we normally don't have to worry about.
This requires some study on our part. Don't expect to simply drive out to the airport Sunday
afternoon and test a friends homebuilt. Give it the same attention as the big iron that you will test
Monday at work.
Historically, many of the most popular light planes have been the result of evolution rather than
revolution. With each new design more was borrowed from the past than was innovated. While this
is not the metal of which legendary designers are made, it is a good basis for developing sound,
predictable airplanes. If the designer has done his job properly, his design is rather conservative,
and if he also has some luck, the test pilot will have a rather straight forward, and hopefully
uneventful, job.
In the case of the "designer/test pilot" co-author, the genesis of the RV series of aircraft was the
Stits Playboy dating back to the early 1950's. The first of the evolutionary steps were customized
modifications to the basic design. This was followed by a major redesign that included an all metal
wing. The first completely new design of the series was the RV-3, an all metal, single placed, low
wing monoplane, with a bubble canopy. Recognition of designer limitations, and the subsequent
conservative design approach, was a large factor in the success of this airplane. There was no intent
to invent a new wheel, and the use of lots of wing area and large tail moments provided the intended
performance and flying qualities. No changes were necessary prior to marketing the design. The
RV-4, while similar in planform to the RV-3, was actually a new design incorporating a tandem dual
cockpit. This design did require a one half degree reduction in tail incidence prior to marketing. The
RV-6 was again a new design, a side by side version of the RV-4, that maintained the basic
aerodynamic features of the previous designs. The RV-6A is a tri-gear version of the RV-6.
It has been reported that the flying qualities of the RV-4 were tested, at one point, by the legendary
Bob Harper who gave it a Cooper-Harper rating of "Two" for the up and away flight tasks (The
owner/builder, a co-author, wouldn't let him execute the landing task. Perhaps good thinking, but
not a good career move, Bob was his boss). In typical fashion however, Bob noted that it wasn't a
"One" because the rear control stick was a little too short.
While this series of designs was quite conservative, not all homebuilt designs are. Perhaps the most
successful "unconventional" series of designs are those of Burt Rutan. Today designs of this type are
not considered unconventional at all. However in 1976 the Vari-EZ came as a real shock to the
industry. While it certainly posed some flight test problems, it was tested by professional engineers
and pilots, and in its marketed form possessed admirable flight characteristics and outstanding cruise
performance. Burt's expertise in stability and control tamed the canard configuration which served
as a basis for numerous other canard and tandem wing homebuilt designs which followed. Other
unconventional designs have not been so successful and provided quite a challenge to the test pilots
It is sufficient to say that a test pilot of homebuilt aircraft must know enough of aerodynamics to be
able to identify potential problems. There are some aircraft that "look good" (aerodynamically) that
don't necessarily fly that way. On the other hand most that don't "look good" tend to be somewhat
lacking in their flying qualities. The design quality of homebuilts can range from the thorough
professional approach that Burt uses, to something scratched on the back of an envelope. Most of
Burt's started that way, as do many designs. Just be sure that the design you are testing didn't stop,
technically, at that point.
As previously discussed, there are a large number of design types currently flying as homebuilts.
Some examples of flight test experiences and flight test considerations concerning some of these
design variants might be in order at this point.
Canard configurations offer some notable advantages in the area of stability and cruise efficiency.
They also offer some interesting flight test experiences. Many of the canard designs utilize relatively
new and highly efficient airfoil sections that maintain laminar flow over much of the surface.
Unfortunately if for some reason laminar flow is not maintained, their lift characteristics can change
significantly. It turns out that bugs, raindrops, and other imperfect things that happen to perfect
airfoils in this imperfect world, are not at all helpful in maintaining laminar flow. A good friend of the
designer co-author was the first builder to complete a homebuilt version of the Q2 aircraft. His test
flying was progressing well until he decided to improve the cosmetic appearance by painting leading
edge stripes on the lifting surfaces, a rather common paint scheme. On the next flight, and after a
rather interesting take off, he discovered that the forward wing was unable to generate enough lift to
provide the pitch attitude required for a safe landing speed. The paint line, not understanding the
importance of laminar flow to this airfoil, had rather dramatically changed its lift characteristics. After
a rather prolonged test flight of over three hours duration, the fuel burn had moved the center of
gravity aft to the point that a marginal landing could be made. Sandpaper and polish solved the
problem (until the next swarm of gnats appear).
Another example of homebuilt flight test pitfalls is the four seat design called the Velocity. A number
of these design had flown successfully for many hours when the flight testing of a gap seal on the
canard elevator included an aft center of gravity condition. Under these conditions the aircraft
entered a deep stall which was unrecoverable. The pilot remained with the aircraft as it made a
vertical descent, in a flat attitude, and crashed into the water. The pilot was not injured and the
aircraft was only slightly damaged. The aircraft has since been undergoing some very innovative high
alpha, on the ground, testing to uncover the problem.
There have been other examples of follow on testing of canard designs, after years of uneventful
operation, that uncovered deep stall and flat spin modes. In some cases the designer had specifically
tested for these modes and not experienced them. Canard and tandem wing designs seem to be
susceptible to uncertain high alpha related aircraft responses. Slight differences in wing construction,
a different method of coupling a spin entry, etc., can create new and exciting modes of falling.
In the early 1970's there was a homebuilt design that provided the initial excitement that gradually
became the boom in homebuilding activity whose results we enjoy today. That was Jim Bede's
BD-5, an all metal low wing single placed pusher with retractable gear and a side stick controller. It
was an unsuccessful design for many reasons, however it did demonstrate the fact that there was a
large market base for high performance homebuilts. It also proved that it wasn't lack of technology
that was keeping production general aviation aircraft in the 1930's in design innovation and
performance. From a test pilot's standpoint the BD-5 was an interesting airplane. It comes close to
holding the record for first flight crashes by homebuilder test pilots. It had a high thrust line, the tail
was not immersed in slipstream, and the pitch control was sensitive. You can develop your own
takeoff scenario.
The Questaire Venture is an excellent example of unconventional looking conventional aircraft. The
immediate impression is "not enough tail length", however, if one looks more closely the tail length is
not that short, the fuselage is just relatively wide. If one looks at the planform, the configuration is
even more conventional. The result is an aircraft that has set a number of speed and climb records
and has excellent flying qualities, the latter due in large part to a cleverly designed mechanical feel
system. The test pilot of this airplane has been seen to smile a lot.
Replica and scale replica historic aircraft are popular among homebuilders. Homebuilt replicas of
WW-I aircraft will probably have predictable flying qualities i.e., marginal or neutral stability about
an axis or two, and could be almost as demanding to fly as the originals. Replicas of WW-II fighters
are almost never full-size and could suffer from scale effects and relatively high wing loadings. Some
of the originals of these didn't handle all that well either by today's standards.
The lack of affordable jet engines has not totally deterred homebuilt designers from jet like designs.
A recent example was the RANS S-11. This was not a replica of a specific aircraft but was more
of a generic space age jet in appearance (after the F-117 anything appears possible), but
propeller-driven. The prototype was destroyed in a crash following an engine failure, however it is
reported that flying qualities (difficulty in achieving a power-off flare) contributed to the severity of
the damage. Perhaps fly-by-wire shapes should have fly-by-wire systems.
Non-conventional stability configurations can cause problems for any test pilot, but they can be
particularly hard on inexperienced homebuilder/test pilots. An early example which was successfully
flown was the Baker Delta Kitten, a one-of-a-kind homebuilt of the 1960's. It was a true delta wing
airplane with a delta-like fuselage as well. Its flying qualities and performance turned out to be
satisfactory, however the trim drag and the induced drag associated with low aspect ratio subsonic
tail-less designs limited the practicality of the design.
Another tail-less design of that era was the Dyke Delta. Plans for this design were marketed and
several dozen were built. Not really a delta, it could best be described as a low aspect ratio flying
wing. The dramatic reflex of the wing trailing edge, needed for stability, resulted in rather high
landing speeds.
Prior to flight testing these sorts of designs a historic data search of similar designs would probably
be in order. Almost everything has been tried at least once. Lessons learned 40 or 50 years ago are
still valid and can be quite useful for we younger test pilots to put in our bag of tricks.
Probably one of the greatest challenges facing the homebuilder/test pilot today are flight
characteristics of some of the higher speed kitplanes now popular. Several designs like the
Glasair-III, Swearingen SX-300, and the Questair Venture are capable of speeds of 300 mph in
level flight and their landing speeds and subsequent runway requirements are far above those of
typical light planes. This class of airplane places the homebuilder in the arena of serious flutter
consideration. Poor building techniques can have less obvious, but more serious consequences than
most homebuilders are able to identify or cope with. A simple thing like not checking balance after
painting can result in catastrophic flutter.
These aircraft are more similar to those we test professionally. Consequently our professional
experiences can be directly applicable. This is also a performance level where lack of technical
backup can have the most serious consequences. Flight testing these aircraft requires the same level
of technical approach that we are used to.
A homebuilt designer has little control over his product once the plans and materials leave his shop.
He can only hope that the builder follows the plans and utilizes satisfactory construction technique.
A stroll down the line at Oshkosh will show that this is most likely the case. Most of the current
homebuilts show better workmanship than factory airplanes. There are, however, instances of less
than clever workmanship the thought of which can cause the designer many sleepless nights. There
are other instances where the workmanship is fine, but the piloting skills leave something to be
desired. The results are the same, the designer loses sleep. Some selected examples might serve to
demonstrate the point.
An RV-3 builder, recognizing his piloting limitations, had an experienced pilot (a flight instructor)
test fly his plane. The initial part of the first flight went without incident. After a few passes over the
field the pilot departed the area and flew to a friends country home some twenty miles away. He
then proceeded to buzz the home several times. On the last pass he made a sharp pull up and the
wings departed the aircraft. The investigation of this fatal accident disclosed that the builder had
used only one fifth of the wing spar rivets specified, due to misreading the drawings.
As in many accidents there is plenty of blame to go around on this one, however, any one of three
key people could have prevented the accident had they done their jobs properly; the builder, the
FAA inspector of the aircraft, and the pilot. On how many test flights have you personally inspected
the wing spar? With homebuilts it's not a bad idea.
An RV-4 builder assembled his airplane at the airport. After several weeks of finishing touches and
waiting for the FAA inspection, he undertook the first test flight. Upon becoming airborne he
noticed that there was no airspeed indication, and elected to land immediately. He attempted to
lower the flaps at an excessive airspeed and bent the flap handle in the process. What followed was
a series of high speed, no flap, landing approaches. Finally a successful landing was achieved. The
airspeed failure was caused by bugs nesting in the pitot tube (nothing new about that).
This was a situation where, given the limitations of the pilot involved, someone on the ground with a
radio (perhaps one of us) could have placed the lack of urgency of the situation in proper
perspective and made for a more uneventful first flight.
In most instances homebuilts made from kits are of good quality and are structurally sound.
However, the builder/test pilots don't always do complete limit testing. If and when the aircraft is
sold, the new owner will probably assume that it has been tested and proven as one would expect
from a use factory aircraft. However, even if it was built from a high quality kit, there is always a
possibility of a hidden flaw. A well intentioned modification or mistake made by the builder might
have escaped detection during a incomplete test program and low stress usage history of the
Dick once had an experience that illustrates the point. A friend invited him to fly a homebuilt Stits
Playboy. It had been highly modified from the plans but had flown successfully for over ten years
and several owners. During the flight, while executing a three "G" pull, the elevator control arm
separated from the control column. To quote Dick:
"Fortunately the airplane had an independent elevator trim system. However, due to a forward
center of gravity the trim wasn't capable of holding the airspeed below about 1.6 V-stall. With the
trim set to full nose up, the control stick held between my knees (for roll control), and using both
hands to manually pull on the elevator control cable, a safe landing was theoretically possible. When
I had to momentarily use one hand to close the throttle, and then double up again on the control
cable, I gave up my last option. This incident taught me something about making assumptions."
It was later determined that a seemingly innocent material substitution in the control column had
reduced it's strength to one third of the design specification. Apparently the airplane had never been
tested to high "G", nor had it been exposed to high stick forces in it's ten year history.
The authors had two specific goals in mind for presentation to this elite professional body. The first
was to generate interest in providing flight test assistance to the homebuilt movement. The second
was to demonstrate that this sort of "toy airplane" testing requires all the professionalism that we
take to work with us, and in fact may require a more basic knowledge than we normally are
required to demonstrate (inspecting wing spars for heavens sake!). That having been said we don't
want to minimize the sheer joy of flying some of these little airplanes. Imagine going out to airport of
an evening, and for the cost of five gallons of auto fuel, jump into an airplane that will do almost any
maneuver that your government iron is capable of, with the exception of dropping ordinance, but
including being able to look over your shoulder on climb out and see a plan view of the airport. All
this with no hard-hat, mask, operations duty officer, flight schedule add-on, tower chatter, radar
control chatter, boundary calls, etc. Think about it.
The members of this society can provide a valuable service to a part of our aviation heritage that
could well become extinct. We would encourage members, who have not yet done so, to join the
Experimental Aircraft Association and become acquainted with this unique movement. Take some
time to learn about these little airplanes and participate. It is the only way we know of for a
professional test pilot to be able to afford to own his own high performance, or just plain fun,
airplane. In addition we can contribute to something important to the future of aviation in this
country while having a lot of fun doing it.
There's a lot of interesting, demanding, and fun testing to be done with homebuilt aircraft. Have fun,
but......."be careful out there".